Wednesday, 28 November 2018



She is a profesional basketball player, she is the captain of the perfumerías avenida team and is a player of the Spanish team. She is 31 years. She won her first euroligue women in 2011 with perfumerías avenida; she has three euroligues women cups. In 2013 with the Spanish team she won the eurobassket and a world cup in 2014. In 2016 she won the silver in the olympic games of Rio de Janeiro. She has enought Spanish leagues. This year in summer she won a world cup in Tenerife.

Sunday, 25 November 2018


How many boats must a men have now ?
Before he buy a shop
How many books must a men read now?
Before he go to the bed
How many friends must a men have got ?
Before they go to school

How many sweets must a men buy now ?
Before you have a cat
How many cars must you drive in your live ?
Before I sleep in the ice
How many birds must a men cook now ?
Before they are fly in the sky


1.- What is strength as basic physical ability ? How many types of strength are there ? Explain them and give an example of each of them.

  • What is strength as basic physical ability ?
Strength as basic physical capacity is defined as the ability to generate intramuscular tension against a resistance, regardless of whether or not it generates movement.The periodic and systematic training of the force allows obtaining various adaptations such as hypertrophy (muscle enlargement), increased energy consumption and the control / reduction of the proportion of muscle mass and body fat.

  • How many types of strenth are there ? Explain them and give an example of each of them.
 There are three types of strenth :

     1) Maxium strenght : is the maximum force a muscle can exert in a single maximal voluntary
contraction. It is used during weightlifting. Men have a larger muscle mass than women (owing to
higher levels of testosterone) so men can exert greater maximum strength than women. Fast glycolytic fibres are important for maximum strength because they can produce more force than slow twitch fibres.
Example : squat.
       2) Explosive strenght : it is the manifestation of force quickly. Is the ability to exert maximal force in minimal time.
To develop explosive strength and reactive ability you need to do two things. First, you must build your speed strength and second, in the same time frame, you must raise your absolute strength. A shot putter must become stronger and at the same time, faster. The majority of this training is combining max effort exercises to increase the strength potential of the muscles.
     Example : Plate Jump.

            3) Resistance strength : It is the ability to maintain strength for a prolonged period of time. Resistance training is any exercise that causes the muscles to contract against an external resistance with the expectation of increases in strength, tone, mass, and/or endurance. The external resistance can be dumbbells, rubber exercise tubing, your own body weight, bricks, bottles of water, or any other object that causes the muscles to contract.
      Example : push-ups

2.- What is flexibility as basic physical capacity? What factors does flexibility depend on ?

There are two types:
 - Aerobic endurance: Refers to efforts of soft and prolonged intensity. There is no lack of oxygen.

              Example : fartlek , jump rope...

- Anaerobic endurance : It refers to high intensity and short duration efforts. There is a lack of oxygen.When the exercise is too intense, the amount of oxygen that the body needs to consume is greater than what it can provide.  
             Example : circuit , squats, medical ball...


4.- How can I improve my endurance ? Explain two exercises to improve aerobic endurance.

        FARTLEK :
You run between 20 and 30 minutes with changes of rhythm; for example going around a square surface in the long parts you go slow and in the wide parts sprints.You get better the two types of endurance.


Through this exercise you can also improve more abilities, it consists in diferents stations so when you finish an exercise for 30 seconds you rest at the next station 1 minute. You can work in the stations: sit-ups, squads ...


- How would you describe the "program music"? (2 or 3 lines are enough).

Program music is a instrumental music that carries some extramusical meaning,of literary idea, legend, scenic description, or personal drama. Program music express ideas or think about you are heard. Is in the 19th century.
- Choose one of the next examples (worked already a bit in Music classes) and do some research about the composer (4 or 5 lines are enough).
I choose the Vivaldi's four seasons.
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was born in Venecia, Italy, the 4th March 1678. He was a composer,violinist, businessman and Catholic priest. His most famous song is the four seasons. He composed some 770 works, with there are more tan 400 concerts and about 46 operas. He died the 28th July 1741 in Viena.
 - This is the musical piece we are playing in the class. Do you believe the composer transmits the title meaning in a good manner? Why?
Yes, because it expresses how the morning is happening and is adding instruments.


- Which one do you prefer? Why? (2 or 3 lines are enough).

I prefer the first song, because I like the rhythm and is the original by Bob Dylan and I prefer these song because the covers I don,t like it soo much because I think chage soo much  and I prefer the original song.





- Who was Bob Dylan? (2 or 3 lines are enough).

Bob Dylan is an American folk and rock singer-songwrite. He was born in Duluth, Minnesota; the 24th May 1941.His original name is Robert Allen Zimmerman. He is an important figure in popular music in the  20th century and early 21st century.

- In Music classes I have told you about the sixties and the music of that period, including some videos. If you paid attention, you will be capable of writing down a summarize. (4 or 5 lines are enough). 

In the sixties the people wore strange clothes. There was soo much racism and womens didn't have rights. Enought people were hippy ( a pacifist movement ). Hipies consumed marijuana, LSD ...  And their things are soo much coreful. The sixties ending around 1974. Some famous artists of the sixties are The Beatles,The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, The Mamas & the Papas...


Tuesday, 13 November 2018

A. TO BEGIN WITH... (part I)

Does sadness or melancholy belong to music? Or must music always make you feel happy or glad?
I think belong the music are sadness or melancholy, because in the music express feelings. No, the music can express diferent feelings.

Thursday, 8 November 2018


- stepmother : madrastra
- stepfather : padrastro
- sister-in-law : cuñada
- father-in-law : cuñado
- niece : sobrina
- nephew : sobrino
- whisper : hablar bajo
- lonely : solitario

Saturday, 3 November 2018


- Staff: pentagrama.                    
- Treble clef: clave de sol.            
- Recorder: flauta dulce.               
- Note: nota.                                  
- Rest: silencio (como símbolo de pentagrama).                             
- Silence: silencio (en general).     
- Whole note: redonda.                 
- Half note: blanca.                       
- Quarter note: negra.                   
- Eighth note: corchea.                     
- Tone: tono.                                 
- Accidentals: alteraciones.          
- Flat: bemol.                                
- Guitar: guitarra.                          
- Fret: traste.                               
- Interval: intervalo.                     
- Ascending: ascendente.             

- Play: tocar.
- Noise: ruido.
- Pitch: altura. 
- High-pitched: agudo.
- Low-pitched: grave.
- Melody: melodía.
- Duration: duración.
- Long: largo.  
- Short: corto. 
- Choir: coro.  
- Chord: acorde.   
- Semitone: semitono.
- Sharp: sostenido.
- Keyboard: teclado.
- String: cuerda.
- Bass: bajo. 
- Descending: descendente.
- Major scale: escala mayor.




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